PanPastel Stand
This PanPastel stand holds four pans. It includes dovetail notches in the back and the bottom, which allow you to connect multiple stands together with "bow ties" in a fairly seamless fashion. I would not consider this one an easy print. I painted-on organic supports (from the build plate only) to hold up the three upper racks and the two notches in the back. I do not recommend using supports for the bottom notches (too hard to clean out), just bridge across their tops. The "bow ties" .bgcode file will print two connectors. The "stand" .bgcode file will print one stand with organic supports ready to go. I had to do some light sanding on the tops of the back notches to clean out the support material to allow the bow ties to snap in. Connect two stands together with one bow tie, then add the other bow tie. If you first connect two bow ties to one stand, you won't be able to connect the second stand.