Twisting lock hose adapters

Twisting lock hose adapters


One of the most frustrating thing when I'm working in my workshop is the hose of my shopvac falling during a cut or other action that create a lot of dust. To fix that I decided to create adapters with a twisting lock system to avoid unwanted disconnection of the hose of the shopvac. My plan was to glue one adapter to each machine I use depending on the output port diameter and setup the hose lock on the shopvac hose. **Note:** The Adapter_Big_Lock wasn't testing in real situation yet. It was kind of workaround for my jointer/planner until I get a proper dust and chips collection for it. At least in my mind, it should work... :) As usual, feel free to test it, modify it to fit your needs and don't hesitate to give me your feeback in comments.



