Taco Belli Spirit Halloween Life Size Proton Pack Cyclotron Cover Post Reinforcement Brace

Taco Belli Spirit Halloween Life Size Proton Pack Cyclotron Cover Post Reinforcement Brace


In modifying my Spirit Halloween Life Size Proton Pack I ordered a replacement Cyclotron/Bumper from Taco Belli off Etsy. It's an absolutely WONDERFUL and AWESOME piece - but one of the screw posts on mine was damaged (probably when the support material was removed prior to shipping it to me, and it wasn't noticeable until I went to test some LED board mounting) and so the electronics would not mount evenly. So after a quick modelling and printing I have some LED mounting post bracers. The existing posts will need to be trimmed down, but then these slip over and can be glued or epoxied into place - or if you have enough original post material and long enough screws, they can be attached via screws for some mechanical strength. On my cyclotron cover, these fit extremely well and snug to the interior cross bracing of the cover; but since every 3d print is different - some light sanding for tolerances may be required. The screw holes are just enough for a drill bit to make them to-size, and there is a recessed space for the GhostLab42 Cyclotron LED boards JST connector pins.






