Parabolic WiFi reflector amplifier
Parabolic dish suitable for use as a WiFi reflector amplifier. Coat the dish with thin metal sheet such as baking/cooking foil, or paint it with aluminium paint. Place the dish behind your WiFi device, pointing at your WiFi hub/router to significantly improve the signal. Use 0.2mm layer print resolution to get a good definition of the screw threads on the bolt and nut. The screw thread may need cleaning, particularly where it touches the print bed. Screw the nut on and off a few times until it screws on smoothly, Then glue the bolt block onto the top of the base of the dish, using the alignment pins to locate it correctly. Does it work? Yes. I have a Raspberry Pi in my garage and another at the opposite end of my house to the broadband hub. Both are on the limit of the signal, and connected only intermittently. Both now have good signal using reflectors. I have been using my mobile 'phone WiFi connection with a computer that does not have WiFi. The download/upload speeds are doubled by using a reflector. Note: The metal sheet surface is okay if it is crinkly. The wavelength of WiFi is quite long so it will reflect fine even if the reflecting surface is not optically smooth. The full disk will not fit on print print beds less than 240mm diagonal base, 205mm high. A half disk desktop version is included which may fit smaller print beds. It is best printed in PLA to minimise distortion. It does not require rafts or support.