AB-Raider / Vespid (Armada)

AB-Raider / Vespid (Armada)


This is my version of the AB-Raider from the second season of the original Battlestar Galactica-Series. As can be seen from the screenshots, the AB-Raider is much larger than a viper, so I think it qualifies as a large ship for Armada. While playing "Battlestar Galactica - Deadlock", I realized that the design is used as the "Vespid"-class Bomber. Here's a link to the Wiki: https://en.battlestarwiki.org/Vespid This model is a remix. I found the file "model.dae" on the internet (in 2020), but I'm not able to find it anymore. While the basic shape of the ship comes from the file, I added some detail (for the version in X-Wing-scale) and rescaled it for Armada. Attention: I do not use the peg for seld-printed Armada-squadrons, I glue the ships to the stand. I included for versions AB-Raider (complete ship, no Peg) AB-Raider Split (split in two for Printing, no peg, no support required - this is the only version I actually printed!) AB-Raider Peg (complete ship with peg) AB-Raider Peg Split (split in two for Printing, with peg, no support required)






