Skywatcher focuser perpendicularity check (only 200mm diam.)

Skywatcher focuser perpendicularity check (only 200mm diam.)


I made these 3 parts, cause I had lot's of coma problem in just one side. After many tries I decided to build a tool to check if (more or less) the focuser was perpendicolar to the tube and to the mirror. So I create an interchangeble tool, the base can be connected to: peprendicularity and mirrorcheck The first step is remove the mirror, plug the perprendicolarity tool check and fix the focuser tilt to match the tube, at this point sign the base tool and the focuser to get to remember the base rotation on the focuser. At this point your focuser is (more or less) perpendicolar to the tube, loosen the screws of the mirror and plug the mirror tool. With the tool plugged, Install the mirror and move the focuser back and forth, tighten the mirror screws unitl is not in position. Now you are sure that the focuser is perpendicolar to the tube and the mirror is at 45° from the focuser. Of course, now you need to perform a collimation, and this is a good staring point! I printed these tools in resin. probably olso fdm is good, but you will not have a goode shape on the perpendicolarity tool. Hope these tools help someone






