DBA / DBM - Light Horse - 40mm x 30mm base - 7-8 figures at 10mm scale
Adding to the DBA/DBM collections from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11560 10mm figures DBA / DBM - Light Horse - 40mm x 30mm base - 7-8 figures at 10mm scale Simple to print minis for the DBA DBM games: DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS Wargames Rules for Ancient and Medieval Battle 3000 BC to 1500 AD by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott LIGHT HORSE, including all riders who skirmish in dispersed swarms evading enemy charges. They can be regular or irregular. Superior (S): Armed primarily with bows, but eager to take advantage of disordered enemy by charging home, such as Huns or Turkomans. Ordinary (O): Relying on javelin, such as Early Thessalians, Numidians, Late Roman Equites Illyricani or medieval Spanish Genitors, or with lance, such as Macedonian Prodromoi. Such troops were forced to try and close with bowarmedequivalents to avoid the arrows, their opponents’ sensible desire to open the range tuning almost inevitably to flight Fast (F): Placing almost sole reliance on bow shooting from close range at the gallop, and on speed to avoid contact, often gaining extra mobility from remounts, such as Parthian horse archers. Inferior (I): Scouts or raiders riding camels, asses or deer. Horsemen skirmishing with crossbow.