Easy Threed K9 Part Fan Clip-on Holder Cooling fan upgrade

Easy Threed K9 Part Fan Clip-on Holder Cooling fan upgrade


This is a Part cooling fan holder for the Easy Threed K9 Mini 3D printer made by the NightStarLeaf tech channel on YouTube. It was designed with Design Spark Mechanical and the design file is also available and can be freely altered as required in the DSM package. It is a clip-on part and requires no alteration to the printer. It connects to "fan 1" on the board and is an easy upgrade with no firmware or other changes needed. The fan utilised is the 12v part cooling fan & fan duct from the Creality CR10 mark 1 3D printer which can be obtained from AliExpress or similar. Links to the parts required are in the video description. The version is slightly altered with room now for cable management & zip tie. The mounting holes are better positioned. M2 machine screws can be used. NightStarLeaf Tech: https://www.youtube.com/@NightStarLeafTech-vj3ez



