Pompano - Dropper Rig Jig

Pompano - Dropper Rig Jig


A jig to help tie Dropper loop or Pompano Rigs. This design is courtesy of the Pompano v3 design https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNzFRsK4jOo from Pompano Brownie that has been adapted for 3D printing. This design adds a clipper for the spinner so you can work with both hands to pull the loop through the hole. You will need additional hardware to complete the jig - M4x20 socket machine screws. These screw from the bottom of the base and provide attachment points for the posts and nuts - M4 Heat inserts for the posts and knobs two posts can be used instead of the knobs at the top. The jig provides multiple loop post points space at 25mm/1" Size: The base is 300mm x 240mm so requires a print bed size > 300mm for the print to fit. I used 5 perimeters and 1mm top and bottom layers with 15% infill to ensure the base is stiff. 170gms of filament for the base and less than 200gms all up



