DBA / DBM - Auxilia - 40mm x 20mm base - 12 figures at 10mm scale
Adding to the DBA/DBM collections from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11560 10mm figures DBA / DBM - Auxilia - 40mm x 20mm base - 12 figures at 10mm scale Simple for FDM printing NO SUPPORTS NEEDED DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS Wargames Rules for Ancient and Medieval Battle 3000 BC to 1500 AD by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott AUXILIA, representing foot able to fight individually hand-to-hand and to skirmish but emphasizing mobility in difficult terrain rather than cohesion or aggression. They can be regular or irregular. Superior (S): Regular foot drilled to fight in close formation when necessary, and with mail, darts or spear besides javelins and sword, such as Hellenistic thureophoroi or Roman auxilia. Irregular foot with heavy throwing weapons, such as Spanish scutarii, or with combinations of javelins with long spear or two-handed cutting weapon, such as Illyrians or Thracians. Ordinary (O): Foot relying only on javelins or short spear and light shield, such as Greek peltasts or mountain tribesmen. Inferior (I): Poorly motivated and trained regular troops, such as late Roman border auxiliarii. Other troops with javelins, but who are shieldless or lack confidence, or who would be psiloi were they not too numerous to skirmish. Exception (X): Foot partly or entirely lacking effective shields and relying on long spear or cut-and-thrust pole weapon instead of javelins, such as Akkadian spearmen who have discarded their shields, North Welsh spearmen or later Japanese ashigaru. Disadvantaged against missile users, but capable of resisting mounted charges if clumped, they are treated as (S) auxilia if in close combat to their front against knights, cavalry, Wb or expendables, otherwise as (I) auxilia. However, they benefit from deep formations.