Woodworker's 90 degree arc template with OpenSCAD source
When I need to draw a rounded corner on some piece of wood I usually go looking for something round, like a roll of tape. Or a compass. So I made this quarter-circle arc drawing template. The OpenSCAD source is set up to use the customizer (not likely to work in Thingiverse's ancient version of it) but you can just edit the source code directly. An STL file is included for a reasonable size template. You can edit * the smallest arc radius (in inches) * the largest arc radius (in inches) * the step value between arcs (in inches) * the gap size of the pencil slot, one for the top and one for the bottom * whether to put radial lines on the template (no reason to turn this off) * the degrees at which to put the template lines * the thickness of the template * font for the notation * Various padding parameters The precise position to draw the arc is in the center of the slot. There's a photo here that shows that it's very accurate, though the photo suffers from some parallax issues that make it look to be slightly off. You can print the top few layers inn a different color so that the recessed text and lines stand out better.