LM8UU linear bearing block / mount clamp

LM8UU linear bearing block / mount clamp


Simple little bearing block to mount LM8UU linear bearings to any flat surface using countersunk screws. Designed to use the lowest reasonable amount of filament for faster print times as well as for a low-profile linear rail assembly while still maintaining a good grip on the bearings. I'm including the little rod mounts I made as well; those weren't ideal because the hole has a hard-coded diameter, so your printer has to be pretty up to snuff in terms of accuracy, or you'll have a little post-processing to do. -Hole pattern for bearing clamp: 12mm apart in Y, 24mm in X -Hole spacing for rod mount: 16mm apart -Screw size: 3mm diameter with 6mm countersunk head, length whatever you need I'm including the FreeCad files as well so you can modify them as you please.



