Thunder B Replacement Shells | Stealth's Better Shells

Thunder B Replacement Shells | Stealth's Better Shells


**PRINT AT YOUR OWN RISK. THERE ARE INHERENT DANGERS INVOLVED WITH PRODUCING SHELLS DESIGNED TO BURST, AND I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU HARMING YOURSELF OR ANOTHER.** <iframe width="482" height="857" src="" title="Stealth's BS in action" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> Want some shells for your Thunder B that are designed with different purposes in mind? Want to simulate the frag and shrapnel you'd get from a real grenade? This initial lineup offers 3 different geometries for 3 different behaviors when thrown: Frag: This one's like a ball, Great for a powerful overhand throw. It'll tend to roll down slopes and settle at the lowest point in terrain. It's got plenty of space to payload with BBs and baby powder. It'll roll across a level floor but may not do so in a straight line. Good for general use, Thicker shell for an increased delay Cylinder (Bang): This one's great for rolling down hallways and across level surfaces. This is the ideal grenade geometry when precise rolling is a better option than throwing. It will tend to roll in a straight line and go relatively far on that path - great for sending it into a room down a hallway, or under an obstruction into an area behind it, but not the greatest when you need a grenade that will stop rolling and tend to stop quickly. If you need a grenade that'll slide a certain distance you want and stop, the next one's a great choice. This one's also got plenty of room for payload and should fragment nicely (We're calling it a feature, okay? More immersion for games.) Dumbbell: The specialist's weapon for whom it may concern. The facets retard rolling and encourage sliding to quickly stop the grenade. The thinner shell means a shorter delay, making it ideal for close quarters room clearing. Likely to go off when it firmly strikes something hard gives it an impact fuze effect, but it's still sturdy enough to be deliberately tossed and slid across hard surfaces. These are still a WIP, and designs will be finalized in the near future - you can help out by printing and testing these. If you're game, check out the files and the print settings below - these use increased flow rates and higher than usual temperatures, as well as other settings Warning: these do produce plastic shrapnel as imaged. I HAVE PERSONALLY FRAGGED MYSELF TO TEST THE SAFETY SO AS TO STAND BEHIND MY DESIGN AND THE CHOICE TO RELEASE IT. From my observation, eye protection and covering sensitive areas with sufficient clothing should be sufficient protection from these. I tested these in shorts, flip flops and a tee shirt, so I'm pretty confident in the design's safety. That said, these shells ARE experimental, and should be treated as such. The current ideal thickness on these is about 2mm. The delay times vary depending on the shell used, the temperature, the surface struck, etc. Loads of variation, but I'm getting a consistent 1-2 seconds in my trials. I wouldn't push the thickness much further to try to increase the delay, as doing so could also increase the mass of the shrapnel and the pressure needed to break it (and therefore its inertia as well as velocity - don't make this into a real frag grenade please!) The "Bang" Shell Provided isn't imaged because I haven't tested it or event printed it yet. That said, both the frag and the dumbbell shapes have offered enough insight that I'm confident the dimensions will work - all the critical ones are identical to the dumbbell and the frag, and it's the simplest shape (filleted cylinder). I will share images of it when I have one printed! I'm also considering a more conventional looking frag shell with the "pineapple" texturing, that may have some interesting results with the fragmentation. Stay tuned for updates!







3D Printing