Sink Draining Shelf

Sink Draining Shelf


- The Left-Middle part was printed left-side-down/right-side-up to make the print layer grooves let the water flow more easily to the sink. - The Far-Right_with_drain_to_left part was printed right-side-down/left-side-up. - The faucet front part was printed front-side-down to avoid supports. - The faucet back part was printed as is, bottom to top with support. There is no draining from this part, but there is a small handle to easily pull it up and empty if necessary. The modules are for now just taped together on the bottom, but I might glue them together later. On the parts printed on the side there might be a few loose strings on the top-face ridges. I just cut them off. I also set the temp to 195 C to "hopefully" get less stringing. I printed with 5-10% infill and 3 outer walls. My measurements are 56mm diameter for the faucet and the sink edge start 90mm from the wall. There is a high chance that this needs individual adaptation, so I have attached the STEP files.



