Tactile Lightning Bolt Based on William Jennings's First Photo of Lighting
This model is a representation of what is widely regarded as the first photo of lightning ever taken. This photo was taken in the state of New Jersey by William Jennings. The iconic image was first made famous on September 5, 1885 when the magazine, Scientific American, published several of his works. Though this image is widely regarded as the first proper photo of lightning, there is much debate on this, as another photographer, known as Thomas Martin Easterly, may have done it sooner, in 1847. Because Easterly’s original plate has been lost, Jennings is credited with the achievement. The circle on the top right is for orientation purposes. The raised bumps on the bottom of the model represent the tree branches and leaves in the photo. In the black and white photo, the tree tops are black, the lightning is white and the sky is various shades of gray. Model designed by Felix Steele for See3D, Inc. (https://see3d.org/)