DBA / DBM / DBMM - Spear - 40mm x 15mm base - 12units - 10mm Scale

DBA / DBM / DBMM - Spear - 40mm x 15mm base - 12units - 10mm Scale


Adding to the DBA/DBM/DBMM collections from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11560 10mm figures DBA / DBM / DBMM- Spears - 40mm x 15mm base at 10mm scale Simple for FDM printing NO SUPPORTS NEEDED DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS Wargames Rules for Ancient and Medieval Battle 3000 BC to 1500 AD by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott SPEARS, representing all close formation infantry fighting with spears in a rigid shield wall. (S) are always regular, unless dismounted knights. Others can be regular or irregular. Superior (S): Unusually well trained and confident elite regular spearmen, such as Spartan hoplites or the Varangian guard if equipped as spearmen. Ordinary (O): Regular spearmen, drilled to fight and perform simple manoeuvres in close formation, such as mercenary hoplites or Punic African foot, and also irregulars, such as good citizen hoplites, whose aggression and democratic leanings tend to submerge their training. Inferior (I): Reluctant or sketchily drilled spearmen, including regulars such as citizen hoplites dragooned into reluctant obedience by a domestic or foreign tyrant, or of effete cities, or medieval town militia, and also determinedirregular peasants practised only in keeping line, such as Saxon fyrd.






