DBA / DBM / DBMM - Pikes - 40mm x 15mm base -12 units - 10mm scale

DBA / DBM / DBMM - Pikes - 40mm x 15mm base -12 units - 10mm scale


Adding to the DBA/DBM/DBMM collections from: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:11560 10mm figures DBA / DBM / DBMM - Pikes - 40mmx15mm base -12units- 10mmscale Simple for FDM printing NO SUPPORTS NEEDED DE BELLIS MULTITUDINIS Wargames Rules for Ancient and Medieval Battle 3000 BC to 1500 AD by Phil Barker and Richard Bodley Scott PIKES, including all close formation infantry fighting collectively with pikes or long spears wielded in both hands. They are always regular, except for (I), who can also be irregular. Superior (S): Exceptionally effective elite pikemen, such as argyraspids or Swiss. Ordinary (O): Other pikemen drilled to fight effectively in close formation with true pikes, such as other Hellenistic phalangites and lanquesknechts. Inferior (I): Less formally trained peasant or militia troops with long spears or pikes grasped in both hands, such as Flemings or lowland Scots, or drilled pikemen of low morale or expertise, such as those of client states or hurriedly raised. Exception (X): As (I), but with at least the front rank carrying large pavises, such as Sumerian, Minoan or early Mycenaean spearmen. Except for a reduced number of ranks allowed to fight, they are treated as (S) pikes when shot at by bowmen or in close combat to their front with cavalry, light horse, auxilia, bowmen or psiloi, otherwise as (I) pikes.






