Big Deskorganizer with Add-ons
I became a victim of entropy. Over time, more and more things piled up on my desktop and it became increasingly disorganized. My old [desktop organizer]( was overflowing. Time for a bigger model. The new organizer is larger and also offers the option of extending it to three sides. It is built on a 40mm x 40mm grid, so that modules (add-ons) can be attached to the sides as well as to the rear. I have provided a drawing with the dimensions for clarification purposes. Up to now I only need one USB stick extension, but I have created two more extensions as samples. For all those who want to customize extensions themselves, I have provided raw models. The models can be customized according to individual needs. They may have to be mirrored in the slicer depending on the side to be docked. I would be happy to read in the comments how you like the organizer or what you think about it. I would be even happier if you post your makes and remixes of the add-ons or the Organizer here.