Another rotary pill dispenser

Another rotary pill dispenser


Yet another rotary pill dispenser held together by magnets. I redesigned this in Fusion based on a lot fo the existing designs, but creating 8 x pockets for 10x3 magnets that are embedded in the print. In order to do this the base and the lid must both have their prints paused 3-4 layers from the top surface so as to be able to place the magnets within the print. This must be done keeping all polarities consistent (super-important to be consistent here), and hot-gluing or otherwise securing the magnets to the partial print so as not to have them fly off as the printer lays down the final layers. If you have a multicolor printer, I have included the days of the week as a separate file that can be aligned with the base component and assigned a different filament. The magnets stick out a little on the sides of the lid opening but tbh I kind of like the effect.






