E-Drum Bar Trigger for Yamaha DTX Electronic Drum
Basic shape for adding percussion bar trigger to my electronic drum kit, since Yamaha decided to drop support for rim hits they had working 15 years ago. To be clear, this was custom made for Yamaha DTX XP electronic pads, though it should attach to any rack-mounted rod with a diameter of 22mm. Watch the demo video included here for specific instructions: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bcceiz1jqwrl7hb2rdco0/Building-a-DIY-Bar-Trigger.mp4?rlkey=1luke25a5l9mijsbcsm7hhn5g&e=1&st=aga7vrgq&dl=0 ...how i mounted it as well as module setting for the DTXPro module. Once built, you can assign any sound to it to expand your kit! Cowbell, tympani, splash or your own custom imported audio sample. You will need to source a piezo sensor with input jack attached - you can buy those cheaply as a kit off ebay or pull them out of an old unused pad like I did! Or build your own: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSVUEuBWjI Theres a thicker STL if you want to thrash the bar, and a thinner one that has a little more flex + rebound which is my preference. Print with 15-20% infill laying down on flat side, no support needed on the Ender 3 V2.