Sorting Boxes for LiPo Batteries in Ammo Cans

Sorting Boxes for LiPo Batteries in Ammo Cans


For safe storage of LiPo Batteries I use used ammunition ammos which are available e.g. on ebay at low cost. Important: The ammo cans are sealed waterproof. Cut out a small piece of the seal for possible exhaust in case of a thermal runaway! To tidy up the batteries inside the ammo I created some sorting boxes. They fit into ammo cans with Size approx. 33 x 19 x 23 cm (50 cal) The silde-in Covers contain some Icons for the charging status: Orientation of the Batteries inside the boxes shall show their status: Using Cover_H: - Battery with Connectors located right = fully charged - Battery with Connectors located left = discharged Using Cover_V: - Battery with Connectors located up = fully charged - Battery with Connectors located down = discharged Using Cover_Q (generic or mixed orientation): - Battery with Connectors located right or up = fully charged - Battery with Connectors located left or down = discharged If your printer can print multi colours you can used a different colour for the Icons. But since the Icons are lofty this is not needed.







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