Ender 3v2 Filament Guide - POM-wheel bearing

Ender 3v2 Filament Guide - POM-wheel bearing


The filament-guide that Markacho, robathome, and Holspeed have created is already a timeless classic. My contribution is just making use of their design without having to purchase any additional parts for this upgrade. The bearing you will need for this guide is one we commonly throw away when we replace any of the POM wheels on the printer. Each POM wheel has two 16x5x5mm bearings, and in my opinion they are perfectly suited for this task. There are many ways to remove the bearings from the wheels, but I find it easiest to use an extractor like this one https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3471294 Once you've pressed the bearing into both of the rings, you'll need to slide it into the guide as one piece. It may seem like it won't fit, but even PLA will flex enough to let it through. Then that's it: slide it onto the extruder carriage, and enjoy your new filament guide.



