Dog poop bag box with hinge
Tired of having the tops/lids of containers for poop bags twist off and get lost somewhere (usually along with a whole roll of bags), I made this one with a clam-shell construction, two halves connected by a hinge. It's based on the customizable Hinged Box With Latch by anewsome. The box is held closed by a wide latch and eyelets that a carabiner (for example) can be put through to attach it to something. This means it's not going to randomly open and spill all its contents in the middle of a walk. Also it's really easy to put in a new roll. There's additional visor holes to monitor how much of the roll you have left. I've put some ducks on the side for a little whimsy, but there's a perfectly plain one available as well. The hinge may be a little bit loose, unfortunately I don't feel confident enough not to break it if I tried to tighten it, so it is what it is. This may or may not be the case for you, probably depends on allowances or something else smart people understand (but not I).