Chassis and components for a custom 2WD robot
#General I uploaded parts I created and used for building a two-wheel-drive robot. Please don't expect anything fancy or generic that suits all needs. It is an ongoing project where I regularly adjust the parts. I am unsatisfied with these parts, but I can proceed with prototyping. I aim to have a robot that listens to human natural language and understands what people want. To give you an example of what I want, I say, "Robot, go to the last door over there" (pointing to it), and I expect the bot to move there. Later, I would like to extend the bot with more functionality, so I need a different part design and other adjustments. #Why A few people asked me to share my step files; that's it - and I did :-) I also added the Fusion (robot.3fm) file, allowing everyone to adjust/ modify. #The assembly... simple: - Two LiPo will be added to the slots left and right. - In the middle part is the electrical stuff like ESP32, step down, and motor driver. - On top of it, the Jetson Nano and Lidar are set up. - In the front, I fitted an accelerator sensor. - At the bottom back, two motors are mounted, and wheels attached - At the bottom front, I screwed a caster wheel (most of the fixation is by screws; what is the reason? I didn't create any nobs, holes, or so to make my experiences where things are better fixed and suited. This probably changes when the project gets mature) #Contribution I invite everyone to contribute; if you want to download and print, I would say it is senseless, but I don't judge :-D You can at least learn - which is always good. For every creator, it's a kind of award and a pleasure if others want to grow the idea, contribute, change, or just print.