Williams F1 Butterfly Sim Racing wheel (with a screen)
This is a modified version of noobhands' [Williams F1 Steering Wheel](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3663155). I made changes to increase the strength of the wheel for sim racing, added extra button holes for joysticks and rotary dials, made a compartment for a small LED screen + RPM lights, and also added other holes on the back of the main body to accommodate other standard 3rd party QR adapters and shifters. This project was printed on my Bambu Lab A1 mini. The goal is to provide a daily driving formula wheel that will hold up to strong DD wheel forces. The shifters Im using are [Magnetic Paddle Module with Dual Clutch, Shifter and Additional Buttons for Sim Racing](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5561576) by Stuyo. Other shifters may work as well but its hit or miss, you may have to drill or design an additional small hole on the leftwheelbody2.stl and rightwheelbody2.stl to fit other shifters. #ADDITIONAL PARTS LIST - Microcontroller for controlling the buttons, lights and screen and communicating with your computer (ie Arduino, ESP32, Teensy, etc. Each microcontroller has its own strengths and weaknesses and there are different approaches you could take to the wiring and programming. In my build I used an [ESP32 like this one](https://www.amazon.com/Teyleten-Robot-ESP-WROOM-32-Development-Microcontroller/dp/B08246MCL5/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=1RYJ1QT873UW0&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.C2zjybnvjkLUB8ybNqfUPbWLZs77EvsCLWGQngJqEvkGLv_o48kwC8Ijeis6JInJDYqn2w8DbfIBvRSjsdmFxbMcTF8Chnss5oYQeLoEtAtBzhP-EPiE1zQ1RFMhFhGjHTqInIR78cbZspwWHntVFiP347NCcyWcRK6ikx12HSBQZ-fsPhbho5hogIYCARgVeS2VKaKP9dX0UjKNASqJrl66w56ZdIuq2slLTP7lGmA.k_IIppfSaql5TksmBS-xwlGOHeMP5AYw7-jpRpZhmOk&dib_tag=se&keywords=esp32&qid=1726682936&sprefix=esp32%2Caps%2C102&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1) and configured it to send button presses over bluetooth.) - 12x pushbuttons like [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3DSKCFD/ref=twister_B0B3DN51WJ?_encoding=UTF8&th=1). You can probably find them for cheaper than the link i just pasted, i got mine from aliexpress. what's important is 6mm diameter like these ones. Other buttons may also work but untested. - 2x hall joystick like [these](https://www.amazon.com/GuliKit-Joystick-Replacement-Controller-Thumbstick/dp/B0BXW4W8SX/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2RH88ISI2AMXN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-i0cgWQ6Z_Q9YW1UO63wpuMFpNA6k0hnbauwjTqR3R7Jw79MaxIequC1FvRXfZ7ZBbDCM-Hdu1Kd2MJdmgDmIV9NaKLYvy197OY2tKkHy_LC-ptxCBxCi4sc4shTUNBUtpef5xA9a_ZL4uKYGWclsMTpPRELSQfd_RBauwIB8HxpMMLc0RlqB5dvHmWZX160EqL2aEMvqs7PsS0zqSzyYIBk7IZ5eofd85OR63d8HGI.9izP1nIzTVF-FAhoujhkPYqyrlq7HvZCwt4SHW9fp2A&dib_tag=se&keywords=hall+joystick&qid=1726683293&sprefix=hall+joystick%2Caps%2C88&sr=8-2) optional, i haven't fully implemented these yet. you would need a FPC breakout board per my research to connect these with your microcontroller, i haven't yet and will update when I do. - 2x rotary dials. also optional and untested still. - 1x 3.5 inch LED TFT screen like a Nextion or a Vocore. Vocore is recommended for ease of use with sim racing softwares like simhub. I have a nextion from awhile ago that I'm using and it was a pain to code a python bridge between iRacing and the screen, but it worked in the end. -1x strip of [Neopixel LED lights](https://www.amazon.com/WS2812B-addressable-Neopixe-Non-Waterproof-144led/dp/B09MKSVV5H/ref=sr_1_4?crid=32CMYA6QIHR9D&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.KA4dUQNMVl4wDs4mJKJQPKVgUwMie8Q5CwJOxsVkGTDXErXCkQlGNQOrQHMVwF5k97SfCuGA9RHaIWucxSd_UvlU14WYZpQiOJqwGiOBOTrYpIYmRV8yjDYvlaL4yUNO2OdKTba62P-JsOZ1FL1gOmiznu7SL-06Jnal6UOJJJkawJbcwjt5xipv_RlcLKVOZSIp2KA6SRYq0ktcDP021p6ramswO7VpGuqheUS6Lp9zduOWyDwunfSSlt1fLTPwgt9nlEgGP5yJiuJ1dyJ1uRPsQw04REl9evXg4cGNvd8.ksoc_anV4tciO_4-krZsWkqyh9mFTXQZW-Odah4uKpQ&dib_tag=se&keywords=neopixel&qid=1726683542&sprefix=neopixel%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-4) for your RPM lights - 1x Quick Release, there's many to choose from depending on your wheelbase. I used a [Kyostar](https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0D8B39192?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1) for my Moza R9. # ASSEMBLY *Print settings are important, stronger is always better here* 1. a) If you have a small printer, print 1x backfaceplateright.stl and backfaceplateleft.stl and do not print backfaceplatefull.stl. 1. b) If you have a big printer, print 1x backfaceplatefull.stl and not the other two. 2. Print 1x of every other file in this repository. (middlebody.stl, leftwheelbody2.stl, rightwheelbody2.stl, etc) 3. Print your desired shifters, as mentioned earlier I used Stuyo's [triple paddle shifter](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5561576) 4. Align the 3 body files with the zig zags and screw together at the wall in the middle. Then screw on the left and right handles. Screw on your shifters to the back. Screw on your QR to the holes in the middle on the back. 5. Secure your buttons and any additional dials/joysticks to the backfaceplate. If you chose 1 a) for your small printer, combine the two backfaceplates and screw together. 6. Secure the screen and lights on the top of the back faceplate and then place the front faceplate over top of them. 7. Wire everything to your microcontroller. Upload a sketch that defines your game controller logic, the pins your buttons are on, and your lights and screen logic. Test your button inputs in a software like Antimicrox or steam's controller section. Simhub can be useful here too. 8. Screw the fully assembled faceplate on to the body. You can now screw in the button guards. Done! Strength-wise, it was important for me to split the main body into 3 parts. I don't know if the zig zag was the most effective option, but it definitely helped. Previously I used the original body file and the wheelbase ripped the back of the body off mid-race. It feels much better now but I don't use my wheelbase at maximum strength so be careful. Let me know how it goes or if you have any questions, thoughts concerns etc! **Additional notes: Used bike handlebar tape for the handles, and printed my back faceplate white for style purposes. Also, I have an AMS lite so was able to do a multicolour print on the front faceplate**