Sharps Container

Sharps Container


When my pharmacy started giving out cardboard sharps disposal containers (which they then refused to accept once they were full), I decided to put together my own sharps containers. I've included two versions on four plates - a square container and a round container, with a lid for each. The lid was designed to be printed win TPU, so that you can just push the item you are disposing of through the lid without opening it. I've also included a debossed BIOHAZARD logo and text on the container; I didn't paint it so that no AMS is required, but you are welcome to paint it to your heart's content. :) The print profile has the files scaled to 85%, which was the perfect size for my use (print time - 4 hours for container, 3 hours for lid). I also printed one for my sister to use for her dog's insulin injections; that one I printed at 50%, also with no issues. Please feel free to scale as appropriate for your use case. I've included STEP and STL files, along with a Fusion file as well. You are welcome to make any modifications or improvements you'd like to make. I'd appreciate any comments! As this is the first model I'm uploading, I'd love to know that you printed it and got some use out of it!






