Alien creature anatomy sculpt

Alien creature anatomy sculpt


Not sure if this is up anyone's ally but I worked on a project to create an alien creature with anatomy in mind (so he does have some visible anatomy bits). I don't entirely know how well I did that lol but I like him! his species are carnivorous chimeric creatures that have all sorts of different things to them. they hunt by stalking and surprising their prey, they use their tail plate to break bones and the spines on their tails and wrist plates can cause paralysis. They can glide long distances and have powerful legs to lift off with although they cant maintain flight itself all that great. His species live in village or so sized groups and tend to habitat cliffs and caves. They mate to further their groups although they bond with specific individuals regardless of gender/species if they were mixed into a society. Although they can learn and speak aside from their own language they struggle to use technology of other creatures given their none opposable hands lol. This is a large creature standing about 50 mm tall and 55 ish mm long given how its positioned. the base is a 2 inch base. Hope you like him!!! Also if anyone actually reads these I plan on making a succubus and a Headless guy for Halloween =D. Maybe some minions but we sill see. let me know if there is anything you'd like too!! past these I'm gonna be busy working on a project.






