Sidereal Confluence and Bifurcation Storage With Nearly Zero Lid Lift

Sidereal Confluence and Bifurcation Storage With Nearly Zero Lid Lift


Yes, it's possible to get the entire game into the base box. The card trays go along the very bottom, and stretch nearly to the right side of the box when viewed from above. To the right of them, all twelve of the player shields will fit. Next, put four of the full length bid tracks vertically. Then stack VictoryTokensAndChips_x2to the left. Next, put down all 18 species boards. Put six of the full length bid tracks covering the bottom half of the species boards. Stack the two deep unity tiles on the left, and put the Kit and Zeth reference tiles on top of them; they will rest partially on the four bid tracks you placed down vertically earlier. Next, stack the three Kjas tiles to the right of that, then SquareTray.stl to the right of that. Place the remaining two full length bid tracks on the top half of the species boards, and stack the two full size resource trays on top of them. Everything should be pretty much flush with the top of the box at this point, except the card trays along the bottom. Next, put KitUpgradeTokens.stl and TripleResourceTokens.stl in the remaining gap at the top of the box. Put ZethTokens.stl, EniEtServiceTokens.stl, ImdrilGrandFleet.stl in the next layer up. In the remaining gap on the right, place FaderonTokens.stl first, followed by CaylionVotingAndDoublers2.







