Breadboard / Sorting Tray holder for Arduino R4 and RaspberryPi 3B

Breadboard / Sorting Tray holder for Arduino R4 and RaspberryPi 3B


Just got into Arduino and had a RaspberryPi 3B for a while. Got tired of trying to keep everything organized while I was making different circuits. The flat flames are for either Arduino R4 WiFi and the other is for RaspberryPi 3B. To the right it also holds a PCA9685 Servo Controller board. I just used some self tapping screws to hold everything into place on the printed stand offs. Have 2 different brackets to hold the boards. One is a 30 degree and the other is a 45 degree to give a little more room. You can also flip the two end ones around and use them as feet for the whole tray so it will stand up and a little bit of an angle. Over all this has been very useful so far. Didnt really design this to be published but it has been a very useful tool for me. Hopefully someone else will benefit from it also. Please let me know what you think.






