Trim Wheel for Flight Simulation. Uses an analogue hall-effect sensor
I have never been satisfied with any of the trim wheels I have tried in the past, so decided to make my own. I don’t want to blow my own trumpet but I have to say the end result is really exceptional and I wouldn’t sim without it. Smooth, accurate and flexible. Really a pleasure to use. I think flight simmers would appreciate it also and have shared it here so it's available for all. After a little [building.]( It is an analogue wheel which can be used to precisely control the elevator trim of your aircraft in flight simulator. More information, assembly instructions, and code can be found on its [page.]( You should also check out my SimTrim software which is also free and can be used to synchronise this wheel or any axis on any joystick with flight sim. It was designed to avoid the "jolt" issue. See the SimTrim [page]( for more details. Enjoy!