Foldable D6 Dice with Smooth Sides
I really liked Chronnotrigg's [D6 for Textured Plates]( because each dice face prints flat on the build plate, creating a consistent smooth texture for all six sides. But, I was concerned about gluing six pieces together, especially with my messy gluing ability. So, I remixed the six pieces into one piece, similar to DesignMakeTeach's [Foldable Cube - Print Flat]( The remixed parts only connect on Layer 2, so this thin-layer can bend while also helping hold each part in position for gluing. The 45° angled sides (pyramidal frustum) reminded me of syvwlch's pioneering work (2009) with thin layers, such as [Print Flat - Roll Into 3D, Heptagonal Column]( and [my remix/test of it]( As a plus, I noticed I could do a filament change at 2.0 mm and color the dots, since only the first few layers show on the dice exterior.