Tuya CB2S pogo pin jig

Tuya CB2S pogo pin jig


I needed something to make connections to the pads while I tried to flash a [KMC Smart Tap Mini](https://www.amazon.com/KMC-Monitoring-Protector-Compatible-IFTTT%EF%BC%8CETL/dp/B087FRQW14) with OpenBK. It uses a [Tuya CB2S module](https://docs.libretiny.eu/boards/cb2s/) that's edge-mounted through the main circuit board. This jig can be held/clamped against the bit that protrudes through the main board. It makes a fairly firm fit around the tab to align the pins, it can take a bit of jiggling to get aligned correctly. Patience. I used these pogo pins: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007Q8JILQ and a liberal blob of superglue to keep them in place. While I was never successful flashing OpenBK, I verified that the pins in the jig were making solid connections to the right places: the 3.3v and ground pins are able to run the device and I can trace the RX and TX to the button and LED to which they're connected. I suspect that the latter is what was interfering with `ltchiptool`. It turns out that these devices are still vulnerable to the [exploit used by tuya-cloudcutter](https://github.com/tuya-cloudcutter/tuya-cloudcutter/tree/main) so I didn't resort to desoldering the chip or _etc_.... The CadQuery script to create the part is probably naive, but it works....







