Quoridor board game
Do you know Quoridor? It was named Game Magazine's Game of the Year in 1998. Two-player and four-player play are available. It's a game in which each player moves a piece and wins when they reach the end of the opposing faction. (Players start in the center of their own faction.) Each player is given one piece and 10 walls. (5 walls for 4-plaer play) When it's your turn, you can move your piece one space or build a new wall. Once a wall is built, it cannot be moved or removed. When building a wall, you must provide at least one path for your opponent to reach your faction (you can't block all paths). Each piece can move one space forward, backward, left, and right, and can jump over your opponent's pieces (but not over the walls). I enjoy playing this game with my kids, but the board I have has a few shortcomings, so I redesigned it. The positioning of the pieces and the fence is very important when playing this game, and the small size of the game board and the pieces makes it easy for the pieces and walls to slide. In my design, I use bumps to prevent pieces or walls from moving unintentionally. You can play the game even in a rocking car. I recommend printing the board in a darker color and the flag and fence in a lighter color.(or vice versa) If you like my model, there is anther developed version as below. Another new feature is that when the board is folded, it becomes a box that can hold all the pieces and walls. Thoughtfully designed with looks, gameplay, and printing in mind. The game board is printed in one pass and can be folded after printing. They have a built-in retainer to prevent them from opening unintentionally. The word “Quorido” is embossed on the outside for easy recognition when folded and stored. It's great for a bookshelf or to take camping. foldable version link https://makerworld.com/en/models/689085#profileId-617771