Tape holder for shelving unit
I have a shelving unit in my hobby room and I would like to create space on the outside for my tape rolls. I have drawn holders with four small cylinders on which a tube has to be slid to create a shelf on which the tape rolls lie. I have assumed a tube with an inner diameter of 10mm, which I still had lying around, but a thin PVC tube will undoubtedly also work. The shelving unit is made of sheet steel that has been placed at an angle to get some sturdiness, the result is that the material itself is very flimsy. This allows the holders to move and the tubes on which the tape lies could fall out in between. To prevent this, I have drilled a small hole in the last tube through the tube and the cylinder on the holder and stuck a pen through it (a paperclip is more than sufficient) to prevent the tubes from falling out. Whether the latter is necessary depends on the sturdiness of the shelving unit.