Warbreaker Coaster Lamp
Turn your Warbreaker coasters from the Year of Sanderson into a decorative lamp! Or, print the included coaster model in your favorite translucent material to customize the design. The base includes a hole that is meant to fit a lamp socket like [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0832DG9PG). From there you can choose your favorite candelabra-type bulb to make these coasters glow like they're Invested. To build the lamp, print the base, the lid, and at least one coaster. The Warbreaker box only came with four coasters, but this lamp supports illuminating five faces. You can choose which face the coaster fills in to complement where in the room the lamp is placed. Or, customize the coaster to make your lamp unique. Four coasters slide into the vertical slits of the base, and the fifth sits in the trays on top of the pillars. Then, the lid snaps on top. If the lid is too tight, try sanding slightly the outside edges of the trays and the inside edges of the lid. The lid can be printed in either orientation, depending on whether you want a smoother top or to deal with supports. I printed mine in the given orientation at .1mm layer height to prevent too much warping.