DJI 04 Air Unit Mounting bracket for BetaFPV Micro Canopy Lite
Small bracket that will support the DJI 04 camera with a dab of E6000/welder glue Or you could use a hot paperclip and create mounting holes for whatever angle you'd like. Default you can get this thing at about a 0 degree tilt no props in view/ no canopy in view. This build is a Pavo Pico originally, the only modification I did was replaced the 4 main bolts with longer bolts, one 16mm and 3x20mm M2 bolts. I kept the 4x plastic nuts from the pavo pico build, this acts as a standoff so the FC motor plugs don't come in contact with the carbon frame creating vibrations. Yes I did build this without the nuts at first, noticed vibes, rebuilt with the nuts and no more vibes. Good luck!