


Small script to open your .3mf or .STL files easily in different slicers This script provides a convenient way to select a slicer when opening your .3mf or .STL files on macOS. Instead of manually opening each slicer application, this script lets you choose the slicer you want to use directly. You can either create your own script based on this or use the version provided here as a .zip file. To create your own : Open Script Editor on your Mac. Copy and paste the script below into the editor. Save the script as an application in your Applications folder. Feel free to modify the slicer sorting or the default slicer in the code to fit your needs. Important: This is a script, and every character matters. Even a missing comma or quotation mark can break the code. Please double-check for accuracy when making changes. You can check my YouTube video to see how it works on open (theFiles) set slicerList to {"BambuStudio", "Creality Print", "OrcaSlicer", "PrusaSlicer"} set chosenSlicer to choose from list slicerList with prompt "Select a slicer to open the 3MF file:" default items {"BambuStudio"} if chosenSlicer is false then else set chosenSlicer to item 1 of chosenSlicer set slicerPaths to {¬ {"OrcaSlicer", "/Applications/"}, ¬ {"PrusaSlicer", "/Applications/Original Prusa Drivers/"}, ¬ {"BambuStudio", "/Applications/"}, ¬ {"Creality Print", "/Applications/Creality"}} -- Find the path of the chosen slicer set slicerApp to "" repeat with slicer in slicerPaths if item 1 of slicer is chosenSlicer then set slicerApp to item 2 of slicer exit repeat end if end repeat if slicerApp is not "" then repeat with fileToOpen in theFiles do shell script "open -a " & quoted form of slicerApp & " " & quoted form of POSIX path of fileToOpen end repeat else display dialog "No matching slicer found." buttons {"OK"} end if end if end open






