IKEA Upphetta French Press Plunger Top (ideal thread)

IKEA Upphetta French Press Plunger Top (ideal thread)


I just took the perfectly made original model (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4753696) and made a thread adjustments to make it tightened with ideal force, and also deleted some ribs to simplify the model. There are two versions: 1) v1.2 ==> "...-min-infill" is the most similar by the size and dimetions to the original 1l french press plunger top, 2) v1.1 ==> the thick one, it is made for the extra strength, but it also similar enough comparing to the original plunger top * I also added .blend files in case you would prefer to make more adjustments ** I printed everything in PETG, 0.5 Wall Width with 0.4 Nozzle Size, Z Seam Alignment = User Specified (Back), 0.15 Layer Hight, 1.5 Top/Bottom Width, Infill 50% with "Lines" -- and it perfectly fits the threaded rod.



