Tip Tilt Ball joint optical stage, for 19x19mm FPV camera, fits into a 1,25 inch telescope focuser tube.

Tip Tilt Ball joint optical stage, for 19x19mm FPV camera, fits into a 1,25 inch telescope focuser tube.


Whats this for? Tilt shift videography for your telescope or microscope. Where does it fit? In any ocular holder that fits 1.25 Inch oculars. Whats the max size of the camera chip? 19x19mm for the camera board, with the connector pins removed and the wires soldered on the PCB to save space. (in this case a analog fpv cam was used) How do i use this? You select the amount of tilt with the hexscrew, and then select the angle of the tilt with the rotation knob. Why does the center of the Camera chip at the same point in space (focus point)? Because the Camera PCB is placed in the ball in a way so that the sensor is at the center of the "ball", and when you move a ball in a ball socket the center of the ball stays in the same position. This keeps the main object in focus while shifting takes place and there is no need to "refocus" the telescope/microscope while changing tilt or tilt angle. Can i see it move? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnFTbhIIl8M How do i assemble this? 1. Print all parts in at least 0.2mm layer height 2. take 2 strings and weave them thru the holes in the ball cap 3. place the camera board in the ball 4. pull the camera cables thru the hole in the ball and thru the center hole of the cylinder, then out to the side. 5. superglue the ball cap onto the ball 6. shove the strings up the 4 side holes of the cylinder 7. bundle the 4 strings into the endstop 8. pull the strings into tension and then superglue the center of the endstop 9. cutoff the rest of string above the endstop (now when you move the endstop around on top of the cylinder the ball should move) 10. put a hexnut into the hexnut holder 11. put the hexnut holder into the angle selector knob 12. insert the adjustment screw into the angle selector knob to keep the hexnut holder in place 13. slide the hexnut holder onto the endstop and into the half circle on top of the cylinder 14. finish by locking the angle selector in place with the side bracket and 2 screws If you want to make changes to this project, there is a Freecad file.






