Parametric license plate generator
I needed a name license plate for a photo shoot and realized there's not a good one to be found … so here it is. Also works for placing on your dashboard, trucker style! Made in OpenSCAD, requires [the great BOSL2 library]( Plate parameters: - `plate_width`, `plate_height` and `plate_thickness` are the plate dimensions - `border` set to 1 if you want the raised border, set to 0 if not. Magnets: - `generate_magnets` if you want magnet holes, set it to 1; 0 otherwise - `magnet_width`, `magnet_height` are the magnet size (same parameter for circle or square magnets) - `magnet_type` is 1 for round magnets, 0 for square magnets - `tolerance` is 0.1 mm by default, to avoid having to push the magnets too hard Text: - `text_font` is the typeface; EU license plate font is DIN 1451 Mittelschrift, get it from here for example - `text_size` defaults to 0.66 of the plate height - `text_height` is the millimeters to raise the text from the license plate (same height as the border) - `text_text` is the actual text *But the license plate is too big and won't fit on my printer bed!* you'll say. Absolutely, that's why you can cut the model (even add nice connectors for easy fitting, if you want) as [this helpful article describes](