Foil Fencing Barrel Tip Removal Installation Jig

Foil Fencing Barrel Tip Removal Installation Jig


I always think tip work is a three-hand job: one to hold the sword, one to hold the tip under pressure, and one to run the screwdriver. Usually people have two hands, so do I, so I made this jig to hold the tip in place at a good distance to access screws and springs. It also helps setting the small spring by maintaining a small shin gap during assembly. You can put in a 6x2mm magnet to hold those screws. Suitable for foil tips of 8mm diameter and 25 or 27mm total length (installed, including tip and barrel). Most German tips are 25mm. Absolute foils seems to have a longer 27mm barrel. If you like this design, Please show you support by buying me a coffee: If you just want to get one, you can support me by purchasing it from my eBay page: This design is licensed under a revocable Creative Commons BY NC SA license under the conditions: You may 3d print an embodiment of these designs disclosed, via stl files or other means, in this page. You may not sell, or otherwise profit from, any work or derivative work of these designs. Violation of aforementioned conditions voids the license and you are subjected to copyright infringement. All rights retained by Original Author.





