Alternative tokens for Space Hulk

Alternative tokens for Space Hulk


Using PalmThreeDee's (MyMiniFactory) cool 3D Space Hulk tokens as a basis to produce some simpler ones as I don't have a multi-colour printer and can never be bothered to swap filament in and out. Consists of A4 printable sheets of: - Tokens-simon-altered.pdf - print this out for all the spawn counter icons/. Note, the number and type of each needed depends on the version of Space Hulk and/or expansions. You will need to look up which version requires which but hopefully this should cover them all - space-hulk-overwatch-guard-jammed-flamer.pdf - print this out for the Flamer explosions and overwatch, guard and jammed icons 3D printable tokens: - Print out two octagonal tokens for each of the spawn counter icons. Stick them back to back as required. - Print out 12 flamer discs. This will cover two squads each with a flamer - Print out lots of the blank-smaller stl files as well as one blank-smaller-joiner stl. You can then stick the icons on a piece each side, pop one into the joiner, add a bit of superglue and push another one in to make a double sided token







Toys & Games