Astroneer Worklight Lamp

Astroneer Worklight Lamp


Hello! Ive had this project sitting half done since 2021 and I have finally finished it! The Astroneer worklight at fullscale, 100% model acurate, and 100% working. The base has holes to glue in weights, if needed. However I ended up not needing it as it was heavy enough on its own to not tip. Printing: print the "Bulb New" or lampshade in vase mode with white filament, Print everything else with 30% infill white filament, - Assembly: Paint the elevated part of the stem blue to match the ingame lamp. - Push the Led strip through the base and glue on the stalk (superglue or glue of choice) you can glue the stalk before running the leds through it will just be a little harder. - once the stalk is glued on run the leds through the head and glue the head on. Take a permanent marker or black paint and paint the top part of the head to prevent light from leaking through. - Screw on the led mount to the head and glue the leds on. it gets hot enough inside for the adhesive to fall off but not hot enough to melt anything, this may be because of the led strip I chose but I would still recommend gluing the strip onto the pole. - Put the shade on and your worklight is complete. Flaws: the top of the lampshade peeled off on my first print of it, this may just be my print settings but when taking it off the print bed please be very gentle. If there ever is the need to change out the leds it would prove rather difficult.






