Front fender kugoo Vpro

Front fender kugoo Vpro


This is a custom front fender liner for a larger tire. I installed a Casumina 166A 75/90 R10 tire with an actual width and profile height of 80*80mm, or a 3.00-R10 tire size. The 3.00-R10 is easier to find than the stock tire and provides a larger contact patch without sacrificing handling quality. I printed the front part from ABS6 with 4 perimeters, top/bottom thickness of 1.6mm(You can be use PETG) The back part from PETG with 3 perimeters, top/bottom thickness of 1.2mm. Need support at all part. Build with 4x M3 Brass nut with a thermal thread insert to front part, 2x M3-25mm, 2xM3-20mm, and 2x screw to plastic or Brass nut with m3 screw at top holes. Warning: 3.00-10 is a fairly flexible size, check the actual metric dimensions. In my case, the width and profile height are 80mm, which provides a clearance to the fender of 5-6mm. Making the fender even higher is risky, the previous version touched the traverse at maximum travel, on the current version, everything works perfectly. Source from fusion360 and step files with 3d scan for you customs.






