STL Hardware Parts - Imperial Nuts Bolts & Washers
A small imperial selection of the 25k+ nuts , bolts and washers STL Hardware Parts have in their library. They also fit onto standard nuts & bolts perfectly. Recommend printing at 0.12mm. Brim should be used if you have bed adhesion issues. 5/16" Flanged Washer 5/16" Crimp-on Retaining Ring 5/16" Heavy Profile Hex Nut - 24 TPI 5/16" Knurled Head Thumb Nut - 24 TPI 5/16" Serrated Flange Hex Head Bolt - 24 TPI 5/16" Flat Head Torx Bolt - 24 TPI ½" Flat Head Phillips Bolt - 13 TPI ½" Wedge Lock Washer - Print x2 to use as locking washer ½" Screw Mount T-Nut - 13 TPI ½" Wing Nut - 13 TPI 7/8" Washer 7/8" Hex Head Bolt - 9 TPI 7/8" Distorted Head Flange Nut - 9 TPI