Futuristic Dice Set - REMIX

Futuristic Dice Set - REMIX


<h2>Futuristic Dice Set</h2> I saw the original model, which I thought was really cool. After reading through some of the comments on the model's pages, I decided to take a crack at remixing the original design to add some of my own flair, trying to ensure the same amount of volume is removed from each face (for some balancing), and trying to make an entire set. This is a ***work in progress***, the designed may change radically as I continue to print, test, and develop them. The math for the d4 and d6 was relatively simple, and pretty easy to calculate. The d8 and 10 got more complex, and I'm not as confident in the accuracy, after some more testing I will potentially re-work their designs. I'm trying to achieve balance by removing the same volume of material from each face by varying the grove length and depth. Inherently, as more faces get added to a die this poses a challenge, trying to balance the volume removed from the 1 face with the highest face, and the faces themselves getting smaller with larger dice. Some of these designs may get a little wild and pretty large. That being said I really like this concept and want to complete a set to use with an Artificer character I am currently playing. <h3>Notes About Printing These</h3> - If you print these, I recommend 100% infill. It gives the best feel in hand and when rolling, and will help ensure the correct balance. If you don't want to print at 100% infill make sure your wall count and top/bottom layers match, for infill pattern, I haven't tested it but would recommend gyroid. - Try to avoid darker colored filaments, they get very hard to read if you do. - Supports will be required for most of these (none needed for the D4 in its current orientation). I highly recommend manually adding tree supports. I use orca slicer, which makes this process very easy. - The ones pictured here are printed in yellow PETG. PLA will be fine, i just primarily print with PETG (specifically Elegoo Rapid PETG). These were pretty easily readable, but to make it extra clear, I used a sharpie pen to color in the groves. Paint could also work, I just don't have a brush that is small enough, and made an absolute mess. <h3>What I Have So Far</h3> - D4 (moderate testing done, seems pretty fair to me) - D6 (moderate testing done, seems pretty fair to me) - D8 (limited testing, first impressions seem good) - D10 (limited testing, first impressions seem good) <h3>What I'm Working On</h3> - More testing for the dice already published - Potential re-work for D8 and D10 - Design D12 and D20 - Potential design for odd dice (D3, D5, D7, D19 etc.)






