Latching lid designs for the "Foldable Tool Box."

Latching lid designs for the "Foldable Tool Box."


The Foldable Toolbox looked like an awesome print to attempt. One thing I noticed in comments on this make was a latch of some kind to keep the lid of the box at least somewhat closed. I came up with one cludge of an idea and the second was much better. Latch.stl is my original design. I cobbled some shapes into a kind of catch mechanism that when put together it locks in place. What I don't like about the model is that you lose the flat surface of the lid to lay on the bed. I added brims and supports for slicing and it worked, it's just not the gal to take with you to the ball. :) Latch V2.stl was a big DUH moment for me. I created a protrusion for inside the lid and created a space in the protrusion for a 3mm x 1mm magnet. This worked for me as I have scaled the main models to 200% which leaves me a space for my 6mm x 2mm magnets. That's it! There is only one file so print 2 and you will have a modestly fastened lid. This does not hold well with two magnets, but for my wife's sewing tools, it should do.



