[PythonSCAD] Simple Pocket knife holster/sheath
I like carrying a pocket knife for all kinds of first world problems. Cutting open packaging, packets of chips and snacks, etc. But see, I had a problem. * I hated how _uncomfortable_ it was to clip the damn pocket knife to my pants. The weight of the pocket knife would ride near the pocket's opening. * Seat belts would catch on the pocket knife clip and pop the damn knife off my pants. * I am paranoid about the knife opening inside my pants, with the pointy end visiting my family jewels. Fueled by a pint of beer, this silly little thing solves my problems: * Retains the knife inside my pocket. It prevents accidental opening. * I can carry the pocket knife INSIDE my pocket now. The weight sits nicely INSIDE my pocket instead of at the top edge of pants pocket opening. * If necessary, I can "unholster" the pocket knife inside my pocket with one hand. Combine with https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6728937 and a simple shoelace, you can clip the little knife holster to your pants pocket. Attached STL is fitted for my pocket knife. The .py file can be parameterized based on your knife's dimensions. You'd need to use pythonscad, a python fork of openscad, from pythonscad.org to modify.