Bambulab A1 no more PTFE problems

Bambulab A1 no more PTFE problems


Bambulab A1 no more PTFE problems Refer to my device for the Bambulab A1 family that allows for easy switching between the AMS-lite and external spool(s), and gives access to the AMS-lite hub by just a quarter turn, without removing the PTFE tubes. The original selftapping screws are 12mm long and the fixture is "light" with the original screws because the device base adds a 2mm thickness. So after 10 months of successful working and hundreds hours of printing, I decided to replace the screws to get a stronger fixture. I did not find 14mm self tapping screws in 3mm, so I bought 3mm seltapping screws with a 16mm length on Amazon. The small device is used to hold the screws to be cut. I used a Dremel disk to cut the 2mm in excess. Remember to remove the small square of the AMS-lite hub by a 45 degrees turn, and to keep the spring inside the hub.



