PG&E Gas Meter magnetometer mount facehugger

PG&E Gas Meter magnetometer mount facehugger


If your natural gas meter looks like the one in the photo (EQUIMETER R-315 with two red lugs on the faceplate NOT four), you can use this thing to mount an Adafruit MMC5603 3-axis magnetometer to the gas meter in a good spot for measuring gas consumption. Make sure you waterproof your sensor board, I used clear acrylic nail polish. One rotation of the derived heading angle equals 2 cubic feet consumed. Note that the rotation of the dials isn't consistent, there's a sort of rising and falling rate over the course of the rotation of the dial which makes 'consumption rate' calculations for short time intervals somewhat noisy. Thus, a rotation is accurate for volume but not necessarily rate. Youtube has a number of videos which show the internal bellows mechanism used in most gas meters which will help explain the nonlinearity of the rotation rate. I use the magnetometer board with an ESPHome device connected to my Home Assistant system, but there are lots of ways to make use of the data.






